Wednesday, December 13, 2017

surah al-anbiya ayat 81 - 90

And to Solomon the stormy wind, blowing at His command towards the land that We have blessed. We are aware of everything.

And of the devils were some that dived for him, and performed other, lesser tasks. But We kept them restrained.

And Job, when he cried out to his Lord: "Great harm has afflicted me, and you are the Most Merciful of the merciful."

So We answered him, lifted his suffering, and restored his family to him, and their like with them—a mercy from Us, and a reminder for the worshipers.

And Ishmael, and Enoch, and Ezekiel; each was one of the steadfast.

And We admitted them into Our mercy. They were among the righteous.

And Jonah, when he stormed out in fury, thinking We had no power over him. But then He cried out in the darkness, "There is no god but You! Glory to You! I was one of the wrongdoers!"

So We answered him, and saved him from the affliction. Thus We save the faithful.

And Zechariah, when he called out to his Lord, "My Lord, do not leave me alone, even though you are the Best of heirs."

So We answered him, and gave him John. And We cured his wife for him. They used to vie in doing righteous deeds, and used to call on Us in love and awe, and they used to humble themselves to Us.