Thursday, December 14, 2017

surah al-furqan ayat 21 - 30

Those who do not expect to meet Us say, "If only the angels were sent down to us, or we could see our Lord." They have grown arrogant within themselves, and have become excessively defiant.

On the Day when they see the angels—there will be no good news for sinners on that Day; and they will say, "A protective refuge."

We will proceed to the works they did, and will turn them into scattered dust.

The companions of Paradise on that Day will be better lodged, and more fairly accommodated.

The Day when the sky is cleft with clouds, and the angels are sent down in streams.

On that Day, true sovereignty will belong to the Merciful, and it will be a difficult Day for the disbelievers.

On that Day, the wrongdoer will bite his hands, and say, "If only I had followed the way with the Messenger.

Oh, woe to me; I wish I never took so-and-so for a friend.

He led me away from the Message after it had come to me; for Satan has always been a betrayer of man."

And the Messenger will say, "My Lord, my people have abandoned this Quran."