That is because Allah merges the night into the day, and He merges the day into the night, and because Allah is Hearing and Seeing.
That is because Allah is the Reality, and what they invoke besides Him is vanity, and because Allah is the Sublime, the Grand.
Do you not see that Allah sends down water from the sky, and the land becomes green? Allah is Kind and Aware.
To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. Allah is the Rich, the Praised.
Do you not see that Allah made everything on earth subservient to you? How the ships sail at sea by His command? That He holds up the sky lest it falls on earth—except by His permission? Allah is Gracious towards the people, Most Merciful.
And it is He who gives you life, then makes you die, then revives you. The human being is unappreciative.
For every congregation We have appointed acts of devotion, which they observe. So do not let them dispute with you in this matter. And invite to your Lord; you are upon a straight guidance.
But if they dispute with you, say, "Allah is fully aware of what you do."
Allah will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection regarding what you disagree about.
Do you not know that Allah knows everything in the heavens and the earth? This is in a book. That is easy for Allah.