Thursday, December 14, 2017

surah al-qashash ayat 31 - 40

Throw down your staff." And when he saw it wiggling, as if it were possessed, he turned his back to flee, and did not look back. "O Moses, come forward, and do not fear, you are perfectly safe.

Put your hand inside your pocket, and it will come out white, without blemish. And press your arm to your side, against fear. These are two proofs from your Lord, to Pharaoh and his dignitaries. They are truly sinful people."

He said, "My Lord, I have killed one of them, and I fear they will kill me.

And my brother Aaron, he is more eloquent than me, so send him with me, to help me, and to confirm my words, for I fear they will reject me."

He said, "We will strengthen your arm with your brother, and We will give you authority, so they will not touch you. By virtue of Our signs, you and those who follow you will be the triumphant."

But when Moses came to them with Our signs, clear and manifest, they said, "This is nothing but fabricated magic, and We never heard of this from our ancestors of old."

Moses said, "My Lord is well aware of him who brings guidance from Him, and him who will have the sequel of the abode. The wrongdoers will not succeed."

Pharaoh said, "O nobles, I know of no god for you other than me. So fire-up the bricks for me O Hamaan, and build me a tower, that I may ascend to the Allah of Moses, though I think he is a liar."

He and his troops acted arrogantly in the land, with no justification. They thought they would not be returned to Us.

So We seized him, and his troops, and We threw them into the sea. Observe, therefore, what was the end of the oppressors.