Thursday, December 14, 2017

surah al-qashash ayat 51 - 60

We have delivered the Word to them, that they may remember.

Those to whom We gave the Scripture before it believe in it.

When it is recited to them, they say, "We have believed in it; it is the truth from our Lord; we were Muslims prior to it."

These will be given their reward twice, because they persevered; and they counter evil with good; and from Our provisions to them, they give.

And when they hear vain talk, they avoid it, and say, "We have our deeds, and you have your deeds; peace be upon you; we do not desire the ignorant."

You cannot guide whom you love, but Allah guides whom He wills, and He knows best those who are guided.

And they say, "If we follow the guidance with you, we will be snatched from our land." Did We not establish for them a Safe Sanctuary, to which are brought all kinds of fruits, as provision from Ourselves? But most of them do not know.

And how many a city did We destroy for turning unappreciative of its livelihood? Here are their homes, uninhabited after them, except for a few. And We became the Inheritors.

Your Lord never destroys cities without first sending a messenger in their midst, reciting to them Our revelations. And We never destroy the cities, unless their people are wrongdoers.

Whatever thing you are given is but the material of this world, and its glitter. But what is with Allah is better, and longer lasting. Do you not comprehend?