Like the behavior of Pharaoh's people and those before them. They rejected Our signs, so Allah seized them for their sins. Allah is Strict in retribution.
Say to those who disbelieve, "You will be defeated, and rounded up into Hell—an awful resting-place."
There was a sign for you in the two parties that met. One party fighting in the way of Allah, and the other was disbelieving. They saw them with their own eyes twice their number. But Allah supports with His help whomever He wills. In that is a lesson for those with insight.
Adorned for the people is the love of desires, such as women, and children, and piles upon piles of gold and silver, and branded horses, and livestock, and fields. These are the conveniences of the worldly life, but with Allah lies the finest resort.
Say, "Shall I inform you of something better than that? For those who are righteous, with their Lord are Gardens beneath which rivers flow, where they will remain forever, and purified spouses, and acceptance from Allah." Allah is Observant of the servants.
Those who say, "Our Lord, we have believed, so forgive us our sins, and save us from the suffering of the Fire."
The patient, and the truthful, and the reverent, and the charitable, and the seekers of forgiveness at dawn.
Allah bears witness that there is no god but He, as do the angels, and those endowed with knowledge—upholding justice. There is no god but He, the Mighty, the Wise.
Religion with Allah is Islam. Those to whom the Scripture was given differed only after knowledge came to them, out of envy among themselves. Whoever rejects the signs of Allah—Allah is quick to take account.
If they argue with you, say, "I have surrendered myself to Allah, and those who follow me." And say to those who were given the Scripture, and to the unlearned, "Have you surrendered?" If they have surrendered, then they are guided; but if they turn away, then your duty is to convey. Allah is Seeing of the servants.