Thursday, December 14, 2017

surah annaml ayat 61 - 70

Or, who made the earth habitable, and made rivers flow through it, and set mountains on it, and placed a partition between the two seas? Is there another god with Allah? But most of them do not know.

Or, who answers the one in need when he prays to Him, and relieves adversity, and makes you successors on earth? Is there another god with Allah? How hardly you pay attention.

Or, who guides you through the darkness of land and sea, and who sends the winds as heralds of His mercy? Is there another god with Allah? Most exalted is Allah, above what they associate.

Or, who originates the creation and then repeats it, and who gives you livelihood from the sky and the earth? Is there another god with Allah? Say, "Produce your evidence, if you are truthful."

Say, "No one in the heavens or on earth knows the future except Allah; and they do not perceive when they will be resurrected."

In fact, their knowledge of the Hereafter is confused. In fact, they are in doubt about it. In fact, they are blind to it.

Those who disbelieve say, "When we have become dust, and our ancestors, shall we be brought out?

We were promised that before, we and our ancestors—these are nothing but legends of the ancients."

Say, travel through the earth, and observe the fate of the guilty."

But do not grieve over them, and do not be troubled by what they plot.