You are not the ones to interfere on earth; and besides Allah, you have no ally, and no helper.
And of His signs are the ships sailing the sea like flags.
If He willed, He could have stilled the winds, leaving them motionless on its surface. Surely in that are signs for every disciplined, grateful person.
Or He could wreck them, because of what they have earned. And yet He pardons much.
Those who dispute Our signs know that there is no asylum for them.
Whatever thing you are given is only the provision of this life. But what Allah possesses is better and more lasting for those who believe and rely on their Lord.
And those who avoid major sins and indecencies; and if they become angry, they forgive.
And those who respond to their Lord, and pray regularly, and conduct their affairs by mutual consultation, and give of what We have provided them.
And those who, when wronged, defend themselves.
The repayment of a bad action is one equivalent to it. But whoever pardons and makes reconciliation, his reward lies with Allah. He does not love the unjust.