He who sends down water from the sky in due proportion; and so We revive thereby a dead land. Thus you will be brought out.
He Who created all the pairs; and provided you with ships, and animals on which you ride.
That you may mount their backs, and remember the favor of your Lord as you sit firmly upon them, and say, "Glory be to Him Who placed these at our service; surely we could not have done it by ourselves.
And surely, to our Lord we will return."
Yet they turn one of His servants into a part of Him. Man is clearly ungrateful.
Or has He chosen for Himself daughters from what He creates, and favored you with sons?
Yet when one of them is given news of what he attributes to the Most Gracious, his face darkens, and he suppresses grief.
"Someone brought up to be beautiful, and unable to help in a fight?"
And they appoint the angels, who are servants to the Most Gracious, as females. Have they witnessed their creation? Their claim will be recorded, and they will be questioned.
And they say, "Had the Most Gracious willed, we would not have worshiped them." But they have no knowledge of that; they are merely guessing.