Tuesday, December 12, 2017

surah hud ayat 111 - 120

Your Lord will repay each one of them in full for their deeds. He is Aware of everything they do.

So be upright, as you are commanded, along with those who repented with you, and do not transgress. He is Seeing of everything you do.

And do not incline towards those who do wrong, or the Fire may touch you; and you will have no protectors besides Allah, and you will not be saved.

Perform the prayer at the borders of the day, and during the approaches of the night. The good deeds take away the bad deeds. This is a reminder for those who remember.

And be patient. Allah will not waste the reward of the virtuous.

If only there were, among the generations before you, people with wisdom, who spoke against corruption on earth—except for the few whom We saved. But the wrongdoers pursued the luxuries they were indulged in, and thus became guilty.

Your Lord would never destroy the towns wrongfully, while their inhabitants are righteous.

Had your Lord willed, He could have made humanity one community, but they continue to differ.

Except those on whom your Lord has mercy—for that reason He created them. The Word of your Lord is final: "I will fill Hell with jinn and humans, altogether."

Everything We narrate to you of the history of the messengers is to strengthen your heart therewith. The truth has come to you in this, and a lesson, and a reminder for the believers.