Those who disbelieve and repel from the path of Allah—He nullifies their works.
While those who believe, and work righteousness, and believe in what was sent down to Muhammad—and it is the truth from their Lord—He remits their sins, and relieves their concerns.
That is because those who disbelieve follow falsehoods, while those who believe follow the truth from their Lord. Allah thus cites for the people their examples.
When you encounter those who disbelieve, strike at their necks. Then, when you have routed them, bind them firmly. Then, either release them by grace, or by ransom, until war lays down its burdens. Had Allah willed, He could have defeated them Himself, but He thus tests some of you by means of others. As for those who are killed in the way of Allah, He will not let their deeds go to waste.
He will guide them, and will improve their state of mind.
And will admit them into Paradise, which He has identified for them.
O you who believe! If you support Allah, He will support you, and will strengthen your foothold.
But as for those who disbelieve, for them is perdition, and He will waste their deeds.
That is because they hated what Allah revealed, so He nullified their deeds.
Have they not journeyed through the earth and seen the consequences for those before them? Allah poured destruction upon them, and for the unbelievers is something comparable.