As sustenance for the servants. And We revive thereby a dead town. Likewise is the resurrection.
Before them the people of Noah denied the truth, and so did the dwellers of Russ, and Thamood.
And Aad, and Pharaoh, and the brethren of Lot.
And the Dwellers of the Woods, and the people of Tubba. They all rejected the messengers, so My threat came true.
Were We fatigued by the first creation? But they are in doubt of a new creation.
We created the human being, and We know what his soul whispers to him. We are nearer to him than his jugular vein.
As the two receivers receive, seated to the right and to the left.
Not a word does he utter, but there is a watcher by him, ready.
The daze of death has come in truth: "This is what you tried to evade."
And the Trumpet is blown: "This is the Promised Day."