Thursday, December 14, 2017

surah al-furqan ayat 41 - 50

And when they see you, they take you for nothing but mockery: "Is this the one Allah sent as a messenger?"

"He nearly led us away from our gods, had we not patiently adhered to them." But they will know, when they witness the torment, who is further away from the way.

Have you seen him who chose his desire as his god? Would you be an agent for him?

Or do you assume that most of them hear or understand? They are just like cattle, but even more errant in their way.

Do you not see how your Lord extends the shadow? Had He willed, He could have made it still. And We made the sun a pointer to it.

Then We withdraw it towards Us gradually.

And it is He who made the night a covering for you, and sleep for rest; and He made the day a revival.

And it is He who sends the winds, bringing advance news of His mercy; and We send down from the sky pure water.

To revive dead lands thereby, and to provide drink for the multitude of animals and humans We created.

We have circulated it among them, that they may reflect, but most people persist in thanklessness.