Thursday, December 14, 2017

surah al-furqan ayat 51 - 60

Had We willed, We could have sent to every town a warner.

So do not obey the disbelievers, but strive against them with it, a mighty struggle.

And it is He who merged the two seas; this one fresh and sweet, and that one salty and bitter; and He placed between them a barrier, and an impassable boundary.

And it is He who, from fluid, created the human being. Then He made relationships through marriage and mating. Your Lord is Omnipotent.

And yet, instead of Allah, they serve what neither profits them nor harms them. The disbeliever has always turned his back on his Lord.

We sent you only as a herald of good news and a warner.

Say, "I ask of you no payment for this—only that whoever wills may take a path to his Lord."

And put your trust in the Living, the One who never dies; and celebrate His praise. He suffices as the All-Informed Knower of the faults of His creatures.

He who created the heavens and the earth and everything between them in six days, then settled on the Throne. The Most Merciful. Ask about Him a well-informed.

And when it is said to them, "Bow down to the Merciful," they say, "And what is the Merciful? Are we to bow down to whatever you command us?" And it increases their aversion.