And they will have maces of iron.
Whenever they try to escape the gloom, they will be driven back to it: "Taste the suffering of burning."
But Allah will admit those who believe and do good deeds into Gardens beneath which rivers flow. They will be decorated therein with bracelets of gold and pearls, and their garments therein will be of silk.
They were guided to purity of speech. They were guided to the path of the Most Praised.
As for those who disbelieve and repel from Allah's path and from the Sacred Mosque—which We have designated for all mankind equally, whether residing therein or passing through—and whoever seeks to commit sacrilege therein—We will make him taste of a painful punishment.
We showed Abraham the location of the House: "Do not associate anything with Me; and purify My House for those who circle around, and those who stand to pray, and those who kneel and prostrate."
And announce the pilgrimage to humanity. They will come to you on foot, and on every transport. They will come from every distant point.
That they may witness the benefits for themselves, and celebrate the name of Allah during the appointed days, for providing them with the animal livestock. So eat from it, and feed the unfortunate poor.
Then let them perform their acts of cleansing, and fulfill their vows, and circle around the Ancient House.
All that. Whoever venerates the sanctities of Allah—it is good for him with his Lord. All livestock are permitted to you, except what is recited to you. So stay away from the abomination of idols, and stay away from perjury.