Being true to Allah, without associating anything with Him. Whoever associates anything with Allah—it is as though he has fallen from the sky, and is snatched by the birds, or is swept away by the wind to a distant abyss.
So it is. Whoever venerates the sacraments of Allah—it is from the piety of the hearts.
In them are benefits for you until a certain time. Then their place is by the Ancient House.
We have appointed a rite for every nation, that they may commemorate Allah's name over the livestock He has provided for them. Your Allah is One Allah, so to Him submit, and announce good news to the humble.
Those whose hearts tremble when Allah is mentioned, and those who endure what has befallen them, and those who perform the prayer and spend from what We have provided for them.
We have made the animal offerings emblems of Allah for you. In them is goodness for you. So pronounce Allah's name upon them as they line up. Then, when they have fallen on their sides, eat of them and feed the contented and the beggar. Thus We have subjected them to you, that you may be thankful.
Neither their flesh, nor their blood, ever reaches Allah. What reaches Him is the righteousness from you. Thus He subdued them to you, that you may glorify Allah for guiding you. And give good news to the charitable.
Allah defends those who believe. Allah does not love any ungrateful traitor.
Permission is given to those who are fought against, and Allah is Able to give them victory.
Those who were unjustly evicted from their homes, merely for saying, "Our Lord is Allah." Were it not that Allah repels people by means of others: monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques—where the name of Allah is mentioned much—would have been demolished. Allah supports whoever supports Him. Allah is Strong and Mighty.