Those who, when We empower them in the land, observe the prayer, and give regular charity, and command what is right, and forbid what is wrong. To Allah belongs the outcome of events.
If they deny you—before them the people of Noah, and Aad, and Thamood also denied.
And the people of Abraham, and the people of Lot.
And the inhabitants of Median. And Moses was denied. Then I reprieved those who disbelieved, but then I seized them. So how was My rejection?
How many a town have We destroyed while it was doing wrong? They lie in ruins; with stilled wells, and lofty mansions.
Have they not journeyed in the land, and had minds to reason with, or ears to listen with? It is not the eyes that go blind, but it is the hearts, within the chests, that go blind.
And they ask you to hasten the punishment. But Allah never breaks His promise. A day with your Lord is like a thousand years of your count.
How many a town have I reprieved, although it was unjust? Then I seized it. To Me is the destination.
Say, "O people, I am only a plain warner to you."
Those who believe and work righteousness—for them is forgiveness and a generous provision.