When the Horn is blown, no relations between them will exist on that Day, and they will not ask after one another.
Those whose scales are heavy—those are the successful.
But those whose scales are light—those are they who have lost their souls; in Hell they will dwell forever.
The Fire lashes their faces, and therein they grimace.
"Were not My revelations recited to you, and you kept on rejecting them?"
They will say, "Our Lord, our wretchedness prevailed over us, and we were a people astray.
Our Lord! Bring us out of this. If we ever returned, we would truly be evil."
He will say, "Be despised therein, and do not speak to Me.
There was a group of My servants who would say, `Our Lord, we have believed, so forgive us, and have mercy on us; You are the Best of the merciful.'
But you made them a target of ridicule, until they made you forget My remembrance; and you used to laugh at them.