Tuesday, December 12, 2017

surah attaubah ayat 41 - 50

Mobilize, light or heavy, and strive with your possessions and your lives in the cause of Allah. That is better for you, if you only knew.

Had the gain been immediate, and the journey shorter, they would have followed you; but the distance seemed too long for them. Still they swear by Allah: "Had we been able, we would have marched out with you." They damn their own souls, and Allah knows that they are lying.

May Allah pardon you! Why did you give them permission before it became clear to you who are the truthful ones, and who are the liars?

Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day do not ask you for exemption from striving with their possessions and their lives. Allah is fully aware of the righteous.

Only those who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day ask you for exemption. Their hearts are full of doubts, so they waver in their doubts.

Had they wanted to mobilize, they would have made preparations for it; but Allah disliked their participation, so he held them back, and it was said, "Stay behind with those who stay behind."

Had they mobilized with you, they would have added only to your difficulties, and they would have spread rumors in your midst, trying to sow discord among you. Some of you are avid listeners to them. Allah is Aware of the wrongdoers.

They tried to cause conflict before, and they hatched plots against you, until the truth prevailed, and the command of Allah became evident—in spite of their dislike.

Among them is he who says, "Excuse me, and do not trouble me." In fact, they sunk into trouble. In fact, Hell will engulf the disbelievers.

If something good happens to you, it upsets them; and if a calamity befalls you, they say, "We took our precautions in advance," and they depart, happy.