Tuesday, December 12, 2017

surah attaubah ayat 51 - 60

Say, "Nothing will happen to us except what Allah has ordained for us; He is our Protector." In Allah let the faithful put their trust.

Say, "Are you expecting for us anything other than one of the two excellences? As for us: we are expecting that Allah will afflict you with a punishment from Himself, or at our hands. So wait, we are waiting with you."

Say, "Whether you spend willingly or unwillingly, it will not be accepted from you. You are evil people."

What prevents the acceptance of their contributions is nothing but the fact that they disbelieved in Allah and His Messenger, and that they do not approach the prayer except lazily, and that they do not spend except grudgingly.

Let neither their possessions nor their children impress you. Allah intends to torment them through them in this worldly life, and that their souls depart while they are disbelievers.

They swear by Allah that they are of you. But they are not of you. They are divisive people.

Were they to find a shelter, or a cave, or a hideout, they would go to it, rushing.

And among them are those who criticize you in regard to charities. If they are given some of it, they become pleased; but if they are not given any, they grow resentful.

If only they were content with what Allah and His Messenger have given them, and said, "Allah is sufficient for us; Allah will give us of His bounty, and so will His Messenger; to Allah we eagerly turn."

Charities are for the poor, and the destitute, and those who administer them, and for reconciling hearts, and for freeing slaves, and for those in debt, and in the path of Allah, and for the traveler in need—an obligation from Allah. Allah is All-Knowing, Most Wise.