Wednesday, December 13, 2017

surah toha ayat 101 - 110

Abiding therein forever. And wretched is their burden on the Day of Resurrection.

On the Day when the Trumpet is blown—We will gather the sinners on that Day, blue.

Murmuring among themselves: "You have lingered only for ten."

We are fully aware of what they say, when the most exemplary of them in conduct will say, "You have lingered only a day."

And they ask you about the mountains. Say, "My Lord will crumble them utterly."

And leave them desolate waste.

You will see in them neither crookedness, nor deviation."

On that Day, they will follow the caller, without any deviation. Voices will be hushed before the Merciful, and you will hear nothing but murmur.  

On that Day, intercession will not avail, except for him permitted by the Merciful, and whose words He has approved.

He knows what is before them and what is behind them, and they cannot comprehend Him in their knowledge.