Wednesday, December 13, 2017

surah toha ayat 41 - 50

And I made you for Myself.

Go, you and your brother, with My signs, and do not neglect My remembrance.

Go to Pharaoh. He has tyrannized.

But speak to him nicely. Perhaps he will remember, or have some fear."

They said, "Lord, we fear he may persecute us, or become violent."

He said, "Do not fear, I am with you, I hear and I see.

Approach him and say, `We are the messengers of your Lord; so let the Children of Israel go with us, and do not torment them. We bring you a sign from your Lord, and peace be upon him who follows guidance.

It was revealed to us that the punishment falls upon him who disbelieves and turns away.'"

He said, "Who is your Lord, O Moses."

He said, "Our Lord is He who gave everything its existence, then guided it."