Tuesday, December 12, 2017

surah yusuf ayat 41 - 50

"O my fellow inmates! One of you will serve his master wine; while the other will be crucified, and the birds will eat from his head. Thus the matter you are inquiring about is settled."

And he said to the one he thought would be released, "Mention me to your master." But Satan caused him to forget mentioning him to his master, so he remained in prison for several years.

The king said, "I see seven fat cows being eaten by seven lean ones, and seven green spikes, and others dried up. O elders, explain to me my vision, if you are able to interpret visions."

They said, "Jumbles of dreams, and we know nothing of the interpretation of dreams."

The one who was released said, having remembered after a time, "I will inform you of its interpretation, so send me out."

"Joseph, O man of truth, inform us concerning seven fat cows being eaten by seven lean ones, and seven green spikes, and others dried up, so that I may return to the people, so that they may know."

He said, "You will farm for seven consecutive years. But whatever you harvest, leave it in its spikes, except for the little that you eat."

Then after that will come seven difficult ones, which will consume what you have stored for them, except for the little that you have preserved.

Then after that will come a year that brings relief to the people, and during which they will press.

The king said, "Bring him to me." And when the envoy came to him, he said, "Go back to your master, and ask him about the intentions of the women who cut their hands; my Lord is well aware of their schemes."